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7 Proven Vastu Tips for Money Luck, Wealth & Happiness for You

Vastu tips for money luck

7 Proven Vastu Tips for Money Luck, Wealth & Happiness for You

No matter how educated you are or what you are doing to earn a livelihood, at the end of the day money matters. So, we try everything – from hard work to investment, pujas to astrology, rituals to graha shanti puja to ensure good luck and flow of money in our life. But, have you ever tried Vastu to bring prosperity and increase the money flow? If you have not then read carefully the Vastu tips by Astrologer Debraj to attract prosperity, and abundance and ensure the flow of money in your life. 

Debraj Sir is not only an expert Vastu consultant but also a genuine astrologer in Kolkata. His years of experience in Vastu and Astrology changed many lives for goodness. The turn is yours now. Try the Vastu tips for money luck and attract wealth.  

Vastu Tips for Money Luck, Wealth & Happiness

Here, you can come across a few proven Vastu tips for money luck, the flow of income, happiness, and abundance in your home/workplace. Let us read the tips to ensure financial security in our lives. 

  • Establishment of Kuber Yantra  

Lord Kuber manifests prosperity, wealth, and affluence. So, you can place a Kuber Yantra in the northeast direction of your home and keep the northeast corner clutter-free. Don’t place any heavy furniture or shoe racks in this direction. 

  • Locker in Southwest Corner

If you want to ensure financial stability in life, place the locker or safe of your home in the southwest corner. This corner manifests earth elements and ensures stability. Make sure, you face the south or west when you open the locker/safe. 

  • Entrance Door Tips

The main door of your home should look welcoming. Make sure, the door works correctly and there is no crack or flaw on the door. You can place a wind chime near your entrance door or a plant for good luck and a good flow of money. 

  • Aquarium in Northeast Corner

When you want to ensure strong luck for money, you can place an aquarium or fountain in the northeast direction of your home. Keep the aquarium clean and change the water routinely. A clean and beautiful aquarium in this direction ensures the influx of money.  

  • Placement of Overhead Water Tank

You should not install an overhead water tank or reservoir in the northeast or southeast corner of your house. Such placement can lead to financial issues as well as health issues. Consult with a Vastu consultant to remove Vastu dosh from your home. 

  • Don’t Ignore Water Leakage

If any leakage in bathroom, kitchen, or other areas of the home gets detected, repair it immediately. Water leakage can lead to heavy financial losses and outflow of money. 

  • Take Care of North Vastu Corner

If it is possible then color the walls on the north of your home with a blue or light blue color. Don’t place the washing machine or mixture grinder in this direction. 

These are a few tips among many to increase the flow of money and wealth in your home and life. For more tips and personalized Money tips according to Vastu, you can consult with Astrologer Debraj. He is an experienced Vastu consultant cum a genuine astrologer in Kolkata. He is always there to improve your life with Vastu and Astrology consultations.