Importance of Kundali Matching or Horoscope Matching or Match-Making for Marriage in Astrology

Importance of Horoscope Matching or Match-Making or Kundli Milan for Marriage in Astrology

Importance of Kundali Matching or Horoscope Matching or Match-Making for Marriage in Astrology

A brief idea about the Importance of Kundali Matching in Astrology

Kundali Matching or Match-Making or Kundli Milan for Marriage in Astrology is a very important and effective tool of Astrology, which is also a traditional process from the ancient ages of India. In these modern days, many people are not properly aware of the Importance of Kundali Matching in astrology, due to the misconceptions regarding Astrology. Many people also have some questions regarding Marriage, like, 1) What is Horoscope Matching or Kundali Matching? 2) Does Kundali Matching Readings for Marriage Work? 3) What is the importance of Kundali Matching? 4) Is Kundli Matching necessary for love marriage? 5) Does Kundali Match matter? 6) Which Guna is very important while matching Kundli? 7) Which gun should match for marriage? 8) How many Gunas should match for a successful marriage? 9) Should we rely on online horoscope matching report?

The Kundali Matching tool always can play an important role in determining the native’s better half as well as the married life. As we are leading a very fast life, the longevity of married life should be analyzed. As we are a human being, the happiness and pleasure derive from our Mental Condition.

What is Kundali Matching or Match-Making or Kundli Milan for Marriage?

One of the most important and effective events in the lifespan of a human being is Marriage, through which anyone can get happiness and pleasure as well as misery and ruins. For the determination of fruitfulness of marriage, Marriage Matching or Match-Making or Kundali Matching has very deep importance in Astrology. To determine these results, we, the astrologers, have to take the horoscopes of both Bride and Groom from their Birth Details (Date, Time, and Place of Birth) and we have to analyze by comparing some features of both Natal Charts. This procedure mainly depends on the Moon of the horoscopes of both Bride and Groom. Traditionally the Marriage Matching or Match-Making or Kundali Milan for Marriage is based on the Moon Sign and the Nakshatra which is occupied by Moon of the horoscopes of both Bride and Groom. But there are many other factors besides this which are not considered in this procedure.

Why Marriage Matching or Match-Making or Kundli Milan for Marriage is necessary?

The main importance or necessity of matchmaking is to find the compatibility between the bride and groom. Marriage is one of the most important and effective events in the lifespan of a human being. For getting success in married life we have to give importance to the longevity of married life. After 6 months or 1 year or 3 years of marriage if you have to file a divorce, then what is the meaning of getting married? A love relationship can be started at any moment of our life, this is not a very big issue. But the main issue is to keep that beautiful relationship throughout life. So, we need to check various factors to analyze the compatibility between both of the soul. We have to judge various factors like (1) Longevity of married life, (2) Mental Compatibility, (3) Physical Compatibility, (4) Physiological Compatibility or Health Issues, (5) Financial Status, (6) Offspring related factors.

Now a day’s most of the marriages are love marriage, so there may be one confusion, i.e.; after matchmaking procedure, if astrologer found that incompatible, then what should be done? The astrologer must have to check that any remedial corrections can bring success in marriage or not. If there is a strong possibility to maintain the harmony between the couple by remedial corrections, then the astrologer can suggest them to marry.

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Online best Matchmaking analysis by the best astrologer in India Astrologer Debraj Acharya

What is the traditional process of Marriage Matching or Match-Making or Kundli Milan for Marriage?

Moon is very important in Kundali Matching or Match-Making or Kundli Milan for marriage. Moon is the significator of our mind, emotion, and temperament. So the Nakshatra occupied by the moon or the janma nakshatra of both Bride and Groom should be checked for marital bliss. This compatibility of Janma Nakshatra is known as Gun Milan or Ashtakoota Milan. Ashtakoota means eight points which we need to check for Horoscope Matching or Match-Making or Kundali Matching for marriage. Each point also carrying marks. These are as follows.

  1. 1. Varna Koota – Allotted Marks 1
  2. 2. Vashya Koota – Allotted Marks 2
  3. 3. Tara Koota – Allotted Marks 3
  4. 4. Yoni Koota – Allotted Marks 4
  5. 5. Graha Maitri Koota – Allotted Marks 5
  6. 6. Gana Koota – Allotted Marks 6
  7. 7. Rashi Koota – Allotted Marks 7
  8. 8. Nadi Koota – Allotted Marks 8

After adding allotted marks we will get the total number of Gun Milan, i.e.; 36. For happy married life we need a minimum score of 18, as per the traditional process. Now we have to know what can be judge by this Ashtakoota.

  1. 1. Varna Koota – Spiritual Development
  2. 2. Vashya Koota – Natural Adjustment
  3. 3. Tara Koota – Intensity of Relationship
  4. 4. Yoni Koota – Latent Characteristics
  5. 5. Graha Maitri Koota – Psychological Disposition
  6. 6. Gana Koota – Conjugal Harmony
  7. 7. Rashi Koota – Mutual Compatibility
  8. 8. Nadi Koota – Physiological Factor

Most of the people thought that only this Match Making tool is used for this purpose. Then what about other planetary positions of both the chart? This is half baked knowledge, which is very dangerous. Many of them use online horoscope matching apps for getting the score. But this Ashtakoota Milan procedure is the incomplete procedure. I will explain it in the actual process of the Kundali Milan part.

What is the actual process of Marriage Matching or Kundali Matching or Kundali Milan for Marriage?

Now, this is the most important part. I have previously said that ashtakoota is not only the procedure of Kundali Matching or Horoscope Matching. The below-mentioned steps are the actual traditional process for Marriage Matching. Step – 1: Analysis of the Lagan Chart (D-1 chart) of both the bride and groom (Including Manglik Dosh analysis). Step – 2: Analysis of the Navamsha Chart (D-9 chart) of both the bride and groom. Step – 3: Ashtakoot Analysis. This is the complete conventional process of Kundali Matching or Match-Making or Kundli Milan for Marriage in Astrology. If all the steps are not followed properly we can’t get the actual result.

Now I am going to share another most important part of this topic. I have already mentioned that Ashtakoota Analysis tool is a conventional process which depends on the socio-economical condition of ancient time. The ashtakoota process mostly depends on the mental factors of a human being. But in this era, the longevity of married life can not depend only on mental matching. Physical factors should be analyzed in both the horoscopes. For this, we need some modifications to the ashtakoota process. This modification I have learned from my Jyotish Guru, by applying that modified technique I can accurately analyze the Kundali matching. I have to check the Lagan Charts of bride and groom as well as the modified Kundli Milan technique. As per my practicing experience, I can boldly say that, yes, Marriage Matching or Match-Making or Kundali Matching for Marriage always works properly.

Does Marriage Matching or Match-Making or Kundali Matching for Marriage always work properly?

This is a very important query of every layman or general people. Let me explain this clearly. Astrology gives us all the techniques to find everything, but how accurately we get the result that completely depends on astrologers. If your astrologer knows the subject and if he could apply those processes accurately then definitely his clients will get the result. One more important thing is there, this Ashtakoota Milan tool is a conventional process which depends on the socio-economical situation of ancient time. But in this 21st century, the socio-economical condition has been completely changed. But we are following the same astrological rules. These rules should be modified according to our socio-economical condition. Otherwise, we have to face failure in our practice life. But in my point of view compatibility between the bride and groom can be analyzed accurately by the procedure which I follow and I am going to share the outline of that.

Why people should not rely on Online Software-based Match Making Report?

I have already said that only the ashtakoota score is not sufficient for horoscope matching. That’s why the score which you will get from online kundali matching software or app will be inaccurate. The software can do any type of calculations, but in case of the subject astrology, you need to take help from an astrologer. Because software or apps can not perform the analysis which is required for astrological analysis. The only human brain can do this. One more thing to understand properly, the software can perform only those calculations which are incorporated in that. There are various types of astrological rules, various methods in astrology as well as various opinions, various practical experiences among astrologers. For this reason, automation can not be possible in case of astrology. So, people should not rely on Online Software-based Kundali Matching Report. Proper kundali matching with horoscope analysis by an experienced astrologer can give you the actual indication which will happen in your life. Except for Astrology, there are no other subjects which can give us proper indications about our future.

Hope I have been able to give you enough idea on what is match-making, how the kundali matching works, and the importance of it. We also provide the best Kundali Matching Analysis report, feel free to contact us for Kundali Matching Analysis.