Effects of Saturn in Different Houses

Effects of Saturn in Different Houses Saturn, the lord of Karma is highly known as a strict educator and mentor in mythology as well as in Vedic astrology. It is said, Saturn reflects the Karma you have done or you are doing in front of you undergoing you through various hardships. You will reap boon […]
Results Of Saturn In Eighth House

Results of Saturn in 8th House Said that your natal chart reflects your characteristics, personality, luck, career, relationship status quo, life span, and to name a few in a broad spectrum. Every single house among the 12 houses of a birth chart has a specific subject to depict. When 1st house says who you are […]
Delayed Marriage or Late Marriage in Astrology

Delayed Marriage/Late Marriage in Astrology – Planetary Placement & Combination “Marriage” – the seven-letter word means a lot for our society; regardless of the part of the globe, we belong to. When we born as a human; every one of us is required to deal with the idea of marriage at a certain point of […]
Result of Mars in 8th House

Believe it or not, but every planet has some business to showcase in astrology. It is impossible to understand the impact of planets on natives’ lives and personalities until and unless you know the characteristics and significance of planets in astrology. Each planet plays its integral role depending on the house it is posted in […]
Second Marriage In The Light Of Astrology

Second Marriage Planetary Conjunction & Placement In Horoscope “Marriages are made in heaven” – we have heard the line so many times in our life. He or she; everyone fosters a certain desire of being loved, caught in a healthy relationship, married, and spent rest of his/her life with someone special. But does it happen […]