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Astrological Indications of Love Marriage – You Can Check Yours Here


Time is changed as well as the mindset of couples. Today, falling in love is a very random episode. No matter the caste, creed, religion, or financial status, one can fall for others out of love and admiration. But, very few love-relationship come up to marriage. The good news is that astrology can predict whether […]

Separative Planets in Astrology & How They Cause Divorce/Separation

cause divorce

Separative Planets & Their Roles Harming Marriage Life Cause Divorce or Separation) There are so many things we cannot control which cause divorce instead of possessing intellect and wiliness; and so is divorce or separation in conjugal life. Whether it is a love marriage or an arranged marriage; no one can say when and how […]

Delayed Marriage or Late Marriage in Astrology

Delayed Marriage/Late Marriage in Astrology – Planetary Placement & Combination “Marriage” – the seven-letter word means a lot for our society; regardless of the part of the globe, we belong to. When we born as a human; every one of us is required to deal with the idea of marriage at a certain point of […]

Second Marriage In The Light Of Astrology

Second Marriage Planetary Conjunction & Placement In Horoscope “Marriages are made in heaven” – we have heard the line so many times in our life. He or she; everyone fosters a certain desire of being loved, caught in a healthy relationship, married, and spent rest of his/her life with someone special. But does it happen […]