Chances Of Owning Your Own Home – What Astrology Says About It!


Chances Of Owning Your Own Home – What Astrology Says About It!

“Home, Sweet Home” – most of us say this in mind unconsciously when we come back to our homes after a long tiring day. No matter what the size, look, class, and luxury your home has; it is always a blessing to have your own home. The reality is, not every individual is that lucky to have his/her own home. So, with the magnifying glass of astrology today we would know whether you, I, and/or he is that lucky to have our own home. Astrologer Debraj Acharya, the top astrologer in Kolkata can help you to know whether you have connections to buy your own house or not. He is available for an appointment as well as an online/telephonic consultation.

Let’s start reading…..

4th House Lord Placement for Having Own House

According to Vedic Astrology, certain yogas determine whether a native can have his own home/flat/apartment or not. it is the 4th house of your birth chart that says about your movable and immovable assets. Though, other houses also play important roles in buying/selling a property. Let us know about the possible connections that indicate you might buy your own house.

  • When your 4th lord is placed with your 1st house lord and they are posted in a benefic house in your birth chart.
  • If planet mercury is placed in your 3rd house and the 4th house lord is also placed well then the native may own a beautiful house.
  • If your 4th house lord is placed in his own house or exalted in the Navamsha chart, you can have your own home, land, and other conveyances.
  • If the 4th house lord is exalted, placed at a friend’s house, or his own house, you can have your own house.
  • If the 9th house lord is placed in the 1st/5th/9th house and the 4th house lord is posted at a friend’s house, the native may have increased chances of owning a beautiful house.
  • If the 4th house lord is placed with the association of Mars/Saturn/Venus, a native might have been blessed with a good home.

Even, if the native/you is/are undergoing Mahadasha of Venus, Jupiter or Mars then he/she may have bought his/her own house.

Indication of Owning House Via Planets

Along with houses in a birth chart, planets also indicate whether a native can have his own house or not. When Mars, Saturn, and/or Venus are well-placed in a birth chart and they don’t have to create any malefic combination or association, a native can have his own house.

Considered Houses to Own Self-House

Apart from the 4th house, a top astrologer in Kolkata also considers a few more houses to predict whether a native can buy his own house or not. 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 11th – these are the houses that are considered to check the chances of owning a self-house for a native.   

On a Closing Note,

We have discussed a few general points that signify the chances of owning a house for a native. Though every native has a different chart and the possibilities of owning a home vary from chart to chart. So, for personalized prediction and astrological suggestions and remedies, don’t hesitate to visit Astrologer Debraj Acharya now. He has been helping so many individuals to date and you could be the next.

Best of luck!