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Prediction of Child Birth with the Right Child Blessing Astrology Method

For an ideal couple, getting a child after is the priority. They love each other, undertake the responsibilities of families, and plan the future with their children. But, do you believe that everyone is that blessed to have a child easily after marriage? Not actually! If you believe that only medical science has all power […]

Astrological Indications of Love Marriage – You Can Check Yours Here


Time is changed as well as the mindset of couples. Today, falling in love is a very random episode. No matter the caste, creed, religion, or financial status, one can fall for others out of love and admiration. But, very few love-relationship come up to marriage. The good news is that astrology can predict whether […]

Chances Of Owning Your Own Home – What Astrology Says About It!


“Home, Sweet Home” – most of us say this in mind unconsciously when we come back to our homes after a long tiring day. No matter what the size, look, class, and luxury your home has; it is always a blessing to have your own home. The reality is, not every individual is that lucky […]

All You Need to Know About Manglik Dosha & Its Effects


Marriage is a union of two souls for a lifetime. To ensure a fruitful and happy marriage, most parents prefer to go for an astrological consultation before fixing the marriage date. Because every parent wants his/her son /daughter to stay healthy and happy after marriage. Various factors are considered for a happy and successful marriage […]